The Comeback

The Comeback


This magazine is produced in partnership with The Lifted Brow

‘We are the sum of everything that’s gone before.’

—Anna Spargo-Ryan

Let us take you into a world, our world; moving swiftly forwards while glancing backwards, everything old is new again — but old, too. Open our pages and read about a woman’s fading childhood, running into your old babysitter drunk at the club, making clones from soft linen, going offline, love lost and radio days.

Featuring work from Anna Spargo-Ryan, Jenna Ramondo, Prue Stent, Adriane Howell and many more. The Comeback is dedicated to the feeling of sitting on a tram gliding from the city, crowded with other people on their phones, looking up to see a golden sunset — and really seeing it.

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TITLE: The Comeback

EDITORS: Rebecca Amad, Tessa Connelly, Lauren Draper, Dean Goldstein, Bella Lloyd, Clare Rankine

CONTRIBUTORS: Chloe Moss, Rebecca Amad, Clare Rankin, Jenna Ramondo, Cassie Hamer, Bella Lloyd, Dean Goldstein, Lisa Schuurman, Stephen Smithyman, Lauren Draper, Anna Spargo-Ryan, Iryna Byelyayeva, Kate Arnold, Adriane Howell, Annie Armstrong, Caitlin Cataldo, Aleksey Litvishkov, Honey Long, Clare Longley, Nura Sheidaee, Prue Stent

FORMAT: Magazine

EXTENT: 56 pp