A study on diversity initiatives within publishing industry positions DiversityBowen Street10 October 2024Diversity
What factors are shifting the perception of romance fiction and aiding in diminishing the societal stigma surrounding the genre? DiversityBowen Street10 October 2024Diversity
Are we seeking too much truth in fiction? Examining the exploitation of authors’ identities when publishing fiction containing representations of marginalised communities DiversityBowen Street10 October 2024Diversity
Why manga can fill the demand for LGBTQIA+ representation for young Australian readers DiversityBowen Street10 October 2024Diversity
Independent bookstores diversifying Australia’s bookshelves and readers DiversityGideon Daley10 October 2024Diversity
One book (doesn’t) fit all: Suggestions for more dyslexia-friendly print books DiversityBowen Street10 October 2024Diversity
Editing hard truths: In consideration of a trauma-informed publishing industry framework SustainabilityBowen Street10 October 2024Sustainability
Barriers faced by marginalised writers within the publishing process SustainabilityGideon Daley10 October 2024Sustainability
Audiobooks: A new form of reading comprehension erin byers x Read More TechnologyBowen Street9 October 2024Technology
BookTok: Marketing literature to a new generation of readers TechnologyBowen Street9 October 2024Technology
Reckless acquiescence: Authors and piracy in the age of AI TechnologyBowen Street9 October 2024Technology
Creating space for ‘Diamond’ open access journals in an Australian model TechnologyGideon Daley9 October 2024Technology
An evaluation of sustainability practices in publishing and the nuances of carbon-neutrality SustainabilityBowen Street9 October 2024Sustainability
How does soft censorship impact the publishing industry and should Australia be worried? SustainabilityGideon Daley9 October 2024Sustainability