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Jigsaw Puzzle by Raymond Hill: An HTML5 <canvas>-based jigsaw puzzle

This Jigsaw Puzzle game requires that your browser supports the HTML5 <canvas> element. See Wikipedia for information on which browsers support the HTML5 <canvas> technology. Google code offers ExplorerCanvas to bring the functionality of the <canvas> tag to Internet Explorer, unfortunately, complex clipping regions are not supported, a requirement for this software.

Thumbnail preview

How to play:
  • Click on a piece to move it, click again to release it
  • Left and right arrows (or alternatively 'A' or 'D', or mousewheel) to rotate a piece
  • Up and down arrows (or alternatively 'W' or 'S') to send a piece behind or on top of other pieces
  • 'E' to toggle on/off visibility of non-edge pieces
  • 'Q' to show/hide preview tile
  • Space bar to show/hide non-composite pieces (pieces made up of two or more atomic pieces)