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Grammar Good 


Grammar Good (GG) is designed to be a user-friendly resource, providing quick fixes to the common errors encountered by writers, students, editors and the like on a daily basis. From apostrophes to hyphens, parentheses to obscure marks, there’s an array of rules and expectations when it comes to correctly using punctuation and grammar. The changes that occur within these expectations when translating content between a website vs. a catalogue or even to an anthology format are also outlined here.

In accordance with the style and editing guidelines of RMIT’s Bowen Street Press, the tips and tricks you’ll find within GG range from: clarity around the pesky difference between US spelling and UK to how to conjugate your verbs and correctly use a semicolon. Refer to the drop-down tabs to start exploring or simply jump straight to our search function.




How to use and avoid misuse of common punctuation




Contributors & Acknowledgements