clean hands
clean hands
Our hands are integral to how we interact with the world. We use our hands to express ourselves: our love, anger, anxiety, regret.
This anthology is a meditation on the meaning of clean hands featuring poetry, short stories and essays. An untethered road trip, a return home, an abandoned house. A farewell to a father, a coming together and a falling apart.
clean hands is a collection of voices exploring the cycles of change and revelation. Clean hands can be an ending or a fresh start, an altered perspective. A clean slate.
TITLE: clean hands
SUBTITLE: Stories of holding on and letting go
EDITORS: Mia Anthoulas, Rebecca Cannizzaro, Georgie Currie, Georgie Martin, Kristina Waterman
CONTRIBUTORS: Olivia Allan, Mia Anthoulas, Sara Anceschi, Jax Bulstrode, Rebecca Cannizzaro, Ben Challenor, Charlie Crowe, Georgie Currie, Olivia de Lesantis, Mel Dixon, Harriet Donegan, Ezra Hooper, Mathilda Humphries, Hamish Litt, Cerrita Louw, Georgie Martin, Em Readman, Juliette Salom, Sophie Tegan Gardiner, Kristina Waterman
EXTENT: 96 pp